Add wagtailosm
and osm_field
# ...
# ...
The order does not matter, but we need both of these applications to be registered because they contain static files.
To have a field with a map displayed in Wagtail, do this:
class Country(Page):
# If you are adding this field to an existing model, you need to define some
# default location for populating existing rows in the migration.
DEFAULT_LAT, DEFAULT_LON = (52.4864, 13.4385)
location = OSMField(default=(DEFAULT_LAT, DEFAULT_LON), lat_field='latitude', lon_field='longitude')
latitude = LatitudeField(default=DEFAULT_LAT)
longitude = LongitudeField(default=DEFAULT_LON)
# This is handled by the map, but don't forget you will probably need
# to be able to customize this...
zoom_level = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(default=15)
# Add to Wagtail admin's panels
content_panels = Page.content_panels + [
FieldPanel('location', widget=osm_field.fields.OSMWidget('latitude', 'longitude'), classname="wagtailosm-location"),
FieldPanel('latitude', classname="wagtailosm-hidden"),
FieldPanel('longitude', classname="wagtailosm-hidden"),